Mama Leeroy's - iDiasporan

Mama Leeroy's

34 West Orange Court, Parkville, MD, United States

  Uploaded By:  Margaret Gikori Chat


My name is Margaret Gikori. I’m a mother of two boys and a grandmother as well. I started  cooking around 1994 in Kenya where I was catering for weddings. I then came to the US in 2001 where I continued cooking for friends and family before starting to get orders from them to cook in bulk especially for the occasions that they had - birthdays, engagements, daily supplies and even for African bitings for weddings. 

My boys love to eat and I love to cook so it’s a great symbiotic relationship.I want to share my love through food and continue to enjoy this passion. I hope you enjoy my food as much as I enjoy making it! Looking forward to hearing from you and to grow together. 

We also do international shipping. Please contact us for current rates. For those in the DMV, you can come and pickup your order. Please don’t forget to share and like my page. 

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