County Ministry of Agriculture, Water and Irrigation - INVESTMENT OPPORTUNITY - iDiasporan

County Ministry of Agriculture, Water and Irrigation

by Kitui County

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  1. Formulation and review of County agricultural policies and regulatory framework.
  2. Implementation of national and county agricultural policies and legislations.
  3. Development and evaluation of County agricultural programs and projects.
  4. Provision and facilitation of agricultural extension services.
  5. Management and control of crop pests and diseases.
  6. Management and monitoring of food security in the county.
  7. Support and ensure availability and timely supply of high quality crop seeds or planting materials and other farm inputs.
  8. Soil and water conservation.
  9. Collection and dissemination of agricultural and market information.
  10. Promotion of market access and value addition for agricultural products.
  11. Promotion of better farm business management practices.
  12. Enforcement of regulations and standards on quality control of agricultural inputs and produce.
  13. Training and management of agricultural training centers.
  14. Provision of agricultural mechanization services.
  15. Facilitation and promotion of accessibility to agricultural credits.
  16. Promotion of public and private sector partnerships in agricultural development.

Livestock development:

  1. Formulation and review of county livestock policies and legal framework.
  2. Implementation of national and county livestock policies and legislations.
  3. Development and evaluation of livestock production and health programmes and projects.
  4. Livestock extension services.
  5. Animal disease control and prevention.
  6. Artificial insemination and breading services.
  7. Enforcement of livestock movement and animal health regulations.
  8. Abattoir and slaughter house services.
  9. Livestock markets and marketing.

Fisheries Development:

  1. Formulation and review of county fisheries policies and legislations.
  2. Implementation of National and County fisheries policies and legislations.
  3. Development and evaluation of county fisheries programmes and aquaculture.
  4. Fisheries extension services.
  5. Fisheries monitoring, control and enforcement of fisheries regulations.
  6. Fish health certification and trade licensing.

Water & Irrigation:

  1. Formulation and review of county water and irrigation
  2. Implementation of national and county water and irrigation policies and legislations.
  3. Development and conservation of water resources.
  4. Water provision both in towns and rural areas.
  5. Irrigation development and management

  • A wide portfilio of investments what allow potential investors to take advantage of.

    • Potential in Agriculture Projects
    • Potential in Fisheries  Projects
    • Potential in Livestock Development
    • Potential In Water and Irrigation Projects

    "As your Governor, I am committed to providing effective leadership, strategic vision and direction and to ensure efficient and prudent management of resources, inclusive service delivery, equitable development and investments attraction for improved livelihoods and a high quality of life for the people of Kitui County"


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