by Nyeri County

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Fisheries Industry in the County is characterized of:

  1. Warm water pond fish farming.
  2. Cold water fish culture.
  3. Cage culture of tilapia (mostly on trial basis).
  4. Riverline fishery in the gazetted rivers (exploitation of river line fish).
  5. Management and exploitation of dam fishery.
  6. Issuance of fisheries related licenses/ AIA collection.
  7. Ornamental fish rearing (though at a low level)
  8. Trade in fish and fisheries products.
  9. Fish quality assurance


To be an efficient and effective service provider based on the existing and available information, in a dynamic fishery industry with a potential to create a positive socio-economic impact among the fishers and the related industry.


To facilitate sustainable management and development of the fishery resources and products for socio-economic development in an ecologically viable environment


To provide for the exploration, exploitation, utilization, management, development and conservation of resources of county fisheries. The mandate is derived from the Fisheries Act Cap 378 and the Maritime Zones Act Cap 371 of the Laws of Kenya.

Status of aquaculture

There are 2097 fish farmers with 2270fish ponds in the Nyeri County.  Most of these farmers and ponds are under the fish farming Enterprise Productivity Programme (FFEPP) of the ESP and ERPARDP.
The extension services offered to the farmers are geared towards commercializing aquaculture, a move from the current subsistence fish husbandry

Fish marketing

There are fifteen (15) licensed fish traders who market fish in the County.  Most of these traders sell fish sourced from both Lake Victoria and local ESP ponds.  There is a ready market for fish in the district that has not been saturated.
In the last quarter ending March 2011, a total of 6,890kg worth Kshs.1, 695,000 was sold in the local markets.

Core values

Values are an integral part of any organization’s culture, belonging, direction and purpose. In our quest for timely provision of quality services, we shall be guided by the following core values:

  1. Integrity
  2. Reliability
  3. Team spirit
  4. Meritocracy
  5. Fairness
  6. Confidentiality
  7. Professionalism
  8. Accountability
  9. Efficiency
  10. Commitment

Directorate Objectives

  1. Raise aquaculture production to commercial levels
  2. To create employment opportunities and wealth generation
  3. To train all fish farmers and fisher groups on fisheries related aspects
  4. Raise living standards of the people through income generation
  5. Increase fish consumption as an alternative source of high animal protein
  6. Diversify the use of dams for fish farming and source of seeds
  7. To develop recreational fisheries in the rivers and dams
  8. To promote development of ornamental fisheries

Major projects

  1. F.F.E.P.P. –Construction of fishponds for farmers and institutions
    - Stoking the fish ponds
    - Supply of fish feeds
  2. K.A.P.P.A.P – Marketing of fish product
  3. Palletizing machines –for  fish feeds
  4. Mini processing plants – construction going on at Wamagana (Tetu) to receive fish for marketing
  5. Services offered by the directorate of fisheries in the county.
  6. Fisheries extension services.
  7. Fish trade regulation and data collection.
  8. Issuance of various fisheries services.
  9. Capacity building on fisheries industry.
  10. Improvement of river line and dam fisheries.
  11. Camping and picnic actives.

  • Status of aquaculture

    There are 2097 fish farmers with 2270fish ponds in the Nyeri County.  Most of these farmers and ponds are under the fish farming Enterprise Productivity Programme (FFEPP) of the ESP and ERPARDP.
    The extension services offered to the farmers are geared towards commercializing aquaculture, a move from the current subsistence fish husbandry

  • Vision

    To be an efficient and effective service provider based on the existing and available information, in a dynamic fishery industry with a potential to create a positive socio-economic impact among the fishers and the related industry.


    To facilitate sustainable management and development of the fishery resources and products for socio-economic development in an ecologically viable environment


    To provide for the exploration, exploitation, utilization, management, development and conservation of resources of county fisheries. The mandate is derived from the Fisheries Act Cap 378 and the Maritime Zones Act Cap 371 of the Laws of Kenya.


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