Education, youth, children Affairs, Culture & Social services - INVESTMENT OPPORTUNITY - iDiasporan

Education, youth, children Affairs, Culture & Social services

by Nyandarua County

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The education sector has departments of Education and Higher Education, Science and Technology. This sector addresses issues concerning ECD, Primary, secondary and tertiary education.

The sector vision is:

A globally competitive education training, research and innovation for sustainable development.


The mission is:

To provide, promote and coordinate quality education and training, integration of science, technology and innovation in sustainable socioeconomic development process.


County response to the sector vision and mission.

With the introduction of free primary Education funding and Free Secondary Education support program, enrollment levels have increased both in primary and secondary schools. The stakeholders in the education sector seek to develop schools and to make them competitive nationally. This is being gauged by the performance of students in National exams in the county compared to students another counties.

Much effort will be put in the construction of classes/laboratories and dormitories to provide a conducive learning environment. Hiring of more teachers should be stepped up to improve the teacher pupil ratios thus improving teacher-pupil contact. These functions are expected to be performed by the national government while the county government will be in charge of ECD education and youth polytechnics.

The face-lifting of the youth polytechnics will encourage many school leavers to enroll for various courses in these institutions and publicity campaigns to market these Polytechnics should be increased to tap students who fail to attain marks to join secondary schools or to proceed after secondary education.

Research, innovation and technology are growing sectors with immense potential of unlocking opportunities in business, education, agriculture, industry and security. The development of this sub-sector will play a crucial role in the development of the county by increasing access to market information and developing unique products for the markets.

  • Research, innovation and technology are growing sectors with immense potential of unlocking opportunities in business, education, agriculture, industry and security. The development of this sub-sector will play a crucial role in the development of the county by increasing access to market information and developing unique products for the markets.

  • The sector vision is:

    A globally competitive education training, research and innovation for sustainable development.

    The mission is:

    To provide, promote and coordinate quality education and training, integration of science, technology and innovation in sustainable socioeconomic development process.


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