by Nyeri County

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This department covers

  1. Public Works
  2. Roads
  3. Transport
  4. Energy

All these sectors will have a great significance and one of the key drivers of social economic development of the county.


A world class provider of cost-effective physical infrastructural facilities and services.


To provide efficient, affordable and reliable infrastructure for sustainable economic growth and development through construction, modernization, rehabilitation and effective management.  

Sector Development Direction

The mission and vision will be achieved through:

  1. Provision of adequate office space for the county personnel.
  2. Achieve connectivity and smooth flow of motorized and non-motorized traffic.
  3. Maintenance of existing road network countywide.
  4. Upgrading of existing roads to bitumen or gravel standards to make them all weather.
  5. Provide walkways for non-motorized traffic in our major urban center.
  6. Develop parking guidelines and regulations to ensure smooth flow of traffic.
  7. Ensuring all public buildings are correctly designed and with the necessary approvals
  8. Ensure adherence to construction standards and specifications through regular supervision and inspections.
  9. Research and exploit alternative and renewable sources of energy.
  10. Ensure all the trading centers, public health and education institutions are supplied with electricity.
  11. Provide adequate lighting along our streets and estates in major urban areas.
  12. Establishment of a county roads board and fund.
  13. Promote production and utilization of energy from biodegradable waste materials in learning and health institutions. A transformed and sustainable energy sector with universal access to modern energy facilities for all

County Integrated Development Programme

The projects and programs to be implemented were identified in various forums including:-
1. community participation which were ward  specific
2. line departments
3. Nyeri-We-Want Conference.
4. Input from Members of the County Assembly

County’s Response to Sector Vision and Mission

The county commits itself through this department, to provide quality service through provision of infrastructure notably;
1. bituminization of roads
2. maintain and rehabilitate roads through gravelling  to upgrade to all weather standard
3. Construction of fresh produce markets in all trading centers.
4. Ensure high quality buildings through effective supervision.
5. To support social and economic needs of the populace of the county.
6. The emphasis shall be on use of locally available resources and labor in order to benefit local communities where appropriate, and create employment, especially for the youth.

The projects and programs are categorized and presents as follows;

1. Ongoing projects,
2. new project proposals,
3. flagship  projects
4. Stalled projects.

Achievements as at 8th February 2014

The inventory for all the roads in the County has been finalised.
1. Prioritization of the projects to be done in the whole County under this Sector has been done in consultation with the relevant committee of the County Assembly.
2. Design and Contract Documents for the projects indicated below have gone through procurement process, tenders awarded and works in all the roads is ongoing.
3. All designs and documentation for L.A.T.F projects are ready for procurement process.

  • Nyeri County invites investors to explore investment opportunities in the transport , roads and public works sector. We provide loads of incentives via our Public Private Partnerships and seek to facilitate a eqiitable business environment for all its citizens. 

  • Vision

    A world class provider of cost-effective physical infrastructural facilities and services.


    To provide efficient, affordable and reliable infrastructure for sustainable economic growth and development through construction, modernization, rehabilitation and effective management.  


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