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Embracing Irrigation to Boost Food Security in Turkana
By Turkana County
on 09 November, 2016 00:54 AM

Turkana County has in the past been in the limelight especially during complex humanitarian emergencies. Perennial drought and subsequent food shortage due to unreliable rainfall might soon be a thing of the past for farmer cooperative societies’ members, and the greater community as the County Government seeks to encourage more residents to adopt irrigation to improve their food crop.

The National Irrigation Board in collaboration with the Ministry of Water Services and Irrigation has provided not only agricultural infrastructure but also technical information on farm inputs, training and equipping farmers on how to manage animal and crop conflict to ensure proper crop production and as a result ensure food security.

During World Food Day 2016, the National Irrigation Board (NIB) handed over 1,500 acres to the county in pursuit of maintaining main irrigation canals and root networks for proper food production. NIB has introduced crops like Nerika rice, green grams and tissue culture bananas to help improve nutrition in Turkana County.


The County Government of Turkana also works with other enablers through strategic public-private partnerships with NGOs like UNDP and many others.



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