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Kenya Climate Smart Agriculture project (KCSAP) set to be launched in the County
By Taita taveta County
on 11 November, 2016 03:07 AM

The project that is funded by World Bank aims at increasing productivity through building resilience to climate change risks for targeted smallholder farming and pastoral community and to provide effective response in case of crisis.

World Bank's representative speaking when they paid a courtsey call to the Governor, Ladisy Komba highlighted that KCSAP will be achieved through improving water and soil management, access to quality livestock services, building a sustainable seed system as well as as enhancing quality and access to climate advisory services for improved decision making for herders.

Komba further said KCSAP will be implemented in 24 counties based on poverty indices, vulnerability to climate change and volatility in agricultural production.

"The US$ 250 million project will involve upscaling climate smart agriculture practices, strengthening research and seed systems, supporting agro weather, market, climate and advisory services," said Komba.

The project will start in March, 2017.

Also present during the meeting was CECM agriculture Ben Mghana, Kiambu

Agriculture, Livestock and Fisheries Kiambu county Monicah Waiganjo, officers from World Bank offocials among other stakeholders.


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